Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Soap Operas, Porn and Human Rights

Ok: I'm going to "out" myself here and just go ahead and admit it.

I watch Soap Operas.

There, I said it ~~Whew~~

HA! just kidding.....but in all seriousness, I have watched Days of Our Lives off and on since I was born I think. It is one of my earliest memories with my mother, God rest her soul.

This most recent loyal viewer ship can be blamed, er, ah...credited to my dear sister. The one who INSISTED on yapping on and on and on about EJ and Sammy until I just couldn't help myself but to watch to see what her DEAL was! Side note: I have always loved both Sammy and EJ apart and together.

ANYWHO: So when I started casually watching again a few months back I was taken a bit by surprise by the gay story line they have going between one main character (who happens to be Sammy's son, but not by EJ) and another man.

Now: I must admit that I have ALWAYS considered myself to be a human rights advocate….not women’s rights, not gay rights, or LBGT rights or whatever the fuck the politically correct term is that we are using these days….but HUMAN RIGHTS.

I think ALL humans, without regard to gender, race, creed, color or sexual orientation should have the same BASIC human rights….which incidentally, to me, includes who they choose to love, marry and have children with (MAJOR POINT HERE: AS LONG AS ALL PARTIES ARE IN FACT HUMAN AND ARE OF LEGAL AGE AND CONSENT TO SAID LOVE, MARRIAGE, CHILDREN).

Ok, with that out of the way let me go ahead and “out” myself again and say that at first viewing I was uncomfortable watching two men kiss on the screen. I had always been of the mindset that what happens in your bedroom (or kitchen, or living room, or car…you know wherever) IS YOUR BUISNESS as long as the above major point was met….none of my damn business who you love, marry etc etc.

So why then I asked myself repeatedly was I so uncomfortable “seeing” it portrayed on the screen? Because, I gotta be honest here: I watch some other daytime love stories and night time shows which are just a sliver away from porn between men and women and I am not at all bothered….well, unless you count “hot and bothered”.

And it comes down to two basic things for me….it’s out of my comfort zone and I am not turned on by it.

There are lots of shows on TV that fall into the “two basic things” rule…..but I’ve never quite experienced the reaction that I did to the handsome, young men making out with each other.
Ready for the BIG announcement????


Ok, SO here it is folks: what is out of our comfort zone makes us uncomfortable! I bet you are super fucking shocked same as I was!

So where does that leave us? Well EJ and Sammy still aren’t a couple, Raif needs some eyebrow grooming and….

No wait, that’s not where I was going……

Now several episodes of men making out later and I am happy to say that while I am still not turned ON by watching these amazing actors very realistically portray being in lust with one another~ I am also no longer uncomfortable watching it.

You see kids: HUMAN rights go beyond “liking” George Takei on Facebook (I mean who doesn’t like Sulu? That fucker is HYSTERICAL!)……it means that all of us, ALL of us are free to love, marry and have families with whom we choose (human, consenting adults)….not just in SOME states, in EVERY. SINGLE. STATE.

And I applaud Days of Our Lives for keeping it real: one steamy, fucked up, it’s not really your baby it’s HIS, hot young men don’t always just love hot young women~ many, many, many hot young men love other hot young men episode at a time.

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