Ok, OK…so conspiracy theories have been around since the
dawn of man, of this I am certain.
Cave man to cave woman “there is NO way you slew that dragon
alone. WHO WAS HERE wench???”
I can just picture at the empty tomb:
“now you know that must have been a MAGIC rock!”
“oh, they had to
have put someone in there with him to move such a heavy rock”
and later in Rome:
“I know Brutus was in cahoots with someone, he’s just not
smart enough to pull this off’
Brutus “I’m just a patsy”
See, you can picture it too can’t ya?
So this year, we are supposed to be waiting and watching for
the end of the world (fucking Mayans just ran out of rock)…..and this year has
brought out the conspiracy theorists in DROVES.
The latest is perhaps the strongest in the arguments for
theories around America: the Twinkie factory is shutting it’s doors! GASP!!
While this in and of itself could easily be explained away
by corporate greed, labor unions and shareholders= more important than regular
folks……I offer the following to cement the conspiracy theory making it’s way
around our great nation:
#1. Marijuana has now been legalized in 18 states across
America (no I’m not going to site sources; it’s a fucking BLOG not a research
#2. Nine states now recognize same sex marriage (again with
the sighting of resources FFS). For years haven’t some folks (read: bigoted
fucking idiots) referred to gay men as “twinkies”?
#4. Barrack Obama was recently reelected as POTUS. And let’s
face it folks it MUST be his fault the damn twinkie factory closed! To quote my
good friend MC (no not Hammer) “ Obama hates Twinkies! Everyone secede because they took
our twinkles! :-) Petulant
So how does this all string together to make ONE GIANT
conspiracy???? Be fucking patient: I am getting to that…
#1. The very foods that would survive better than roaches in
an apocalypse cease production less than a MONTH before the “end of the world
according to the Mayans” thus causing normal folks (read: ones that long AGO
gave up eating over processed shit that is so bad for you that you haven’t
eaten it since you could read a nutrition label) to RUN (well take their cars
anyway) to ALL local groceries to clear them out of twinkies, ho-ho’s ding
dongs and snack cakes! In some places causing fights and stores to restrict how
many ho-ho’s you can buy at one time!
#2 Marijuana is legalized mere WEEKS before the twinkie
factory STOPS production on the twinkies. Now people who are smoking said
Marijuana could give a FUCK less about twinkies…..they’re all like “hey man,
it’s cool. I’ll just find something else to eat”. Don’t ask me how I know (it’s
a BLOG not a research paper FFS). But because normal folks (see above for
description) THINK that high people will be hoarding twinkies et al en masse:
it gives them yet ANOTHER fucked up reason to hate the legalization of
Marijuana and to riot in order to keep the “hippies” from stealing their
#4 Since the sitting POTUS is clearly the root of all that
is evil and wrong in America (did you know that some people are flying
their flags UPSIDE DOWN? And threatening to Secede from the UsofA???)….it clearly
MUST be HIS fault that gay marriage is ok, marijuana is legal in some states
and WORST OF ALL: the twinkie factory is closed!
Now here’s what The Wisdom of the Ginger has to say about
1.The fucking Mayans ran out of rock; and in some alternate
universe are really having a good laugh at our expense.
2.The fucking Twinkie factory has been in trouble for a
LONG, LONG time~ and has only been limping along. No doubt they have already
sold their no longer a secret recipes for your beloved snack cakes to someone
else who will make them, repackage them and sell them at a grocer near you in
the very near future. God forbid we should actually bake
something ourselves to wolf down when no one is watching or pack in our kids
4.If you are fucking STUPID enough to believe that ONE MAN
has the power to ruin our great nation: then go ahead and secede, we’d be
better off without you. This nation is founded on much stronger stuff than this
folks. Over 200 years of it. If ONE MAN has the power to set that all asunder:
may whatever god you believe in help us all.
There is no #3 in any of my arguments…go ahead look, I’ll
Ok feel better now? Like I’m going to lie to you? For fucks
So get off your asses, go stock up on your twinkies, secede
if you want to (just STOP SAYING IT AND FUCKING GO ALREADY)…..the apocalypse is
coming; you wouldn’t want to be left behind.
You crack me up girl! You couldn't have said it better. I adore your bluntness and attitude. I love ya girlie!!!