The story of a boy….well, he was much more than that to me……
Part 9: A Leap of Faith
This is the 9th in the series.
Before I begin; let me say that this post will most likely
not be funny. And it might contain information that upsets you and not in the
usual way with offensive language and politics…..but in a human, sad and
guttural way. I may very well ramble at times and for all of these things: I am
genuinely sorry. Please read Parts 1-8 before reading this. It will just make
more sense that way.
William’s due date came and went……and it seemed to me that I
was the only one that noticed. I was very, very, very sad……actually about
mid-October I decided that I could no longer crawl out of the rabbit hole
alone. I called the hotline that the hospital had given me~~ and digging out
all of the hospital paperwork was like ripping my heart open all over again……I
was reminded that I HATED the paperwork~ because all of the discharge
instructions were written AS IF I WERE STILL PREGNANT.
At the time I was discharged I was somewhat numb and I
remember being hurt and angry about it…and I remembered that it hurt me
deeply…. and I remember that I had thought at the time that I should write a
letter to the hospital and strongly encourage that they should have
discharge paperwork specifically for mother’s whose children did not
make it. Reading “please go to the hospital if you think your water has broken
or if you have a fever or if you have contractions….blah blah blah” was SO VERY VERY VERY painful…..and
overwhelmingly sad. Well, I never did write that letter. It was just too
much……it has taken me 5 years to be able to write THIS. I just didn’t have the
emotional energy to take on the hospital.
Anyway~ I had already BEEN attending Empty Arms meetings~
but they were only once a month….and that was not often enough~ I needed
to be able to talk about my feelings and cry and act a fool and have someone
**really** listen. So I started working with a therapist and for the first time
in my life I was put on antidepressants. Both of which helped immensely. The
cloud of everyday crying and every night crying myself to sleep ever so
gradually lifted. Don’t get me wrong: I still thought about William every
single day…….and there were plenty of days that someTHING~ a memory, a thought,
a hallmark commercial~~ would put me into a tailspin and I felt like I was going
to be strangled to death with the grief…….but I was no longer paralyzed daily
with grief. Life has a way of not allowing you to stay there for too
long. I returned to my very full time job… DS at home was two and a ball of
energy and love~ and he needed his mommy~ and I **did** the very best I could
to be the best mommy I could during this time.
I still so desperately wanted to be pregnant again…..but the
sting of the last IVF cycle (which ALONE could cause a nervous breakdown)
failing….and the knowledge that this truly would be our very last
attempt to have another baby….had me a little gun shy. We had two embryos left
in cryogenic storage and DH and I had discussed that the cost and emotional
energy to do another fresh cycle just was not within us. So this was IT. The
pressure that put on me was nearly my undoing……..but we cycled for the last
time and on November 27, 2007 we traipsed again to the Cleveland Clinic and for
the fourth time we transferred two embryos. It was different this time…only one
of them looked promising….both had thawed but one was not really multiplying.
But rather than “dispose” of it….they transferred it to me.
The two week wait to find out if I was pregnant was quite
possibly the longest two weeks of my life. I had the blood work drawn….I had no
more sick time left~ so I had to return to work after the blood draw…..I HAD to
be AT work when the call would come. Now when you have **this** much
anticipation of the outcome of blood work drawn at 7 am~~ you have SUCH an
anxiety about it~ the day feels literally like each second is an hour and each
hour is a day.
At one o’clock I could no longer wait~ I knew the Cleveland
Clinic had my results~ I feared that they had not called because the news was
I shut my office door, sat at my desk phone in hand~
temporarily paralyzed~ and then I took a deep breath and I punched in the
number. Again with the ~this is so and so and I am calling about my blood
work~~ and the endless wait for the nurse to come to the phone….I could
hear my heart beating a mile a minute.
The nurse who answered my call had known our story. She knew
what we had been through and she knew this was our last shot. She asked me if I
was sitting down….my heart sank……I eeked out ‘yes’.
She said “please don’t be alarmed but your beta HCG (the
pregnancy hormone) is 1,040. Now don’t panic… does not mean that both
embryos took”. I said wait, what? She said the three sweetest words I could
have imagined “you are pregnant” and I thought I might pass out from the
relief……and I sat in my office chair and I wept ~ tears of relief and joy, I
Coming next: The Legacy Begins
I cannot express just how many tears I was holding back-- We are strong, we have survived...everyday. SOme how, some way-- We are the survivors